Hand-Driven Hole Punch Set with 15 Punches and Material Removal Tool For Use On Cork, Rubber Turn the handle of these punches while pushing down to punch holes

in cork and rubber. Do not hammer them.

This set includes 15 sizes  hand-driven hole punches plus a tool to remove punched

out material. Turn the handle of these punches while pushing down to punch holes

in cork and rubber. Also known as cork borers, these tools have precision-ground edges

that can be sharpened.

Hole  Dia. outside dimension

For Use On  Cork, Rubber

15 Punches, Material Removal Tool  set  Numbered

0.18", 0.25", 0.32", 0.38",  0.44", 0.50" 0.56", 0.61", 0.65", 0.70", 0.75", 0.79", 0.84", 0.88", 0.94"


This set also includes punch (inside the white bag) that can cut holes into leather, cork, and rubber by gentling hammering it. The set includes both a cutting side and a flat side. Position the beveled/cutting site into the desired materials, gently hammer the flatter circle end to punch the desired hole. Hole measurements are as followed:

3/4", 0.67 inch (2/3"?), and 1/2"