Light duty tiller

18v Battery powered, 

Ideal for cultivating garden beds, weeding, and more, this electric cultivator can cultivate up to 325 feet on a single charge.

No battery included, be sure to check one out.

Garden tillers are mainly used for breaking up compacted soil.  By busting up the soil with the tiller tines, you loosen the soil so that new plants have an easier time rooting into the soil.

Reason’s for using a garden tiller

  • break up hard and compacted soil
  • weeding in an established garden
  • to aerate the soil in the lawn or garden
  • working in soil amendments into the soil (fertilizer or weed preventers)

  • Like most gardening or planting, you need to pay special attention to your soil prior to tilling with your electric garden tiller.  As far as your garden goes, check to see if the soil is wet or to dry.  Either end of the spectrum should cause you to pause your tilling activities.
  • Tilling soil that is to wet will cause issues with soil compaction and issues with wear and tear on your electric tiller.  However, if the soil is excessively dry, you might want to water the soil down to make it easier to till.  After watering you might want to let the soil sit for a day before tilling.