Sewing Machine (2000457) In Stock Now

special zig zag accessory - Very heavy


  1. ruffler foot
  2. zipper foot
  3. 1/8th hemmer
  4. darning  & embroidery foot
  5. original manual                                  

Sewing machine is a machine which is used to sew two or more pieces of fabrics together. A sewing machine sew not only fabrics but also other materials, such as bags, lather, tent and more. Sewing machine is also used to improve the fineness and appearance of fabrics. Different sewing machines follow their own duty to produce perfect products as we want, such as garments, mattress protectors, etc. Electric sewing machine is driven by electrical power, so it works quickly and smoothly. Due to its high production capacity and efficiency, it is also called industrial sewing machine. Some common types of industrial sewing machine includes lock stitch machine, chain stitch machine, over lock machine, zigzag stitch machine, blind stitch machine, etc.