
Orbital sanders are hand-held tools that work by rotating themselves elliptically to create a smooth surface. You can even use them to remove rust or paint. If you need a smooth surface in a short time, an orbital sander might be your best bet.

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A random orbit sander just might be the most user-friendly power tool there is. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to learn. Here are 10 tips to help you work faster, get a smooth, even surface and avoid those swirly scratches that don't show up until you apply your finish.

How It Works—and What Goes Wrong

The pad of a random orbit sander moves in two ways: It wiggles in a tight orbital pattern while it rotates. This combined movement leaves a random pattern of scratches running in every direction, overlapping, intersecting and becoming practically invisible. But if you sand the wrong way, you’ll prevent the sander from working properly. You’ll get visible scratches, often in the form of long, spiraling swirls. You may not see these swirls on raw wood, but a coat of stain will highlight them.

Go S-L-O-W

When you use a random orbit sander, it’s natural to scrub back and forth in a hurry. But that produces swirls. Slow down! The slower you go, the more random the scratches will be. It’s not easy, but train yourself to crawl along at a turtle’s pace—about 1 in. per second. To get a feel for that pace, try watching a stopwatch or a clock with a timer while you sand. Go Lightly

Pressing down on a sander is a common mistake. Don’t do it. The weight of the sander, plus your hand and arm, is enough pressure. Pushing down does remove wood faster, but it’s counterproductive. It can slow or stop the pad’s rotation, creating those ugly swirls. Check out a sander out there that has a lot less vibration to deal with, a lot less.

Park It Before You Start It

Place the sander on your work before turning it on. If the sander is running before you set it down, chances are it will dig in and leave deep scratches. You can lift it up with the motor running, but turn it off before you start sanding again in a new area.

Overlap Passes

On a large surface, sand with overlapping passes. For the best results, overlap each pass by about 50 percent. Sand once over the entire area with each grit—that will be enough. 

Hold It Low

To avoid tipping a sander, especially on a narrow surface, grasp it around its neck. Tipping a sander leads to gouges, scratches and rounded edges.

Finish By Hand

Hand-sanding after sanding with a random orbit sander is the best way to ensure that your wood won’t be marred by stray swirl marks. You can even use one of your discs wrapped around a block. Use the same final grit you used on the sander.

Hook Up to a Vac

A vacuum pulls every last speck of sawdust off the wood’s surface—way better than the fan inside the sander. This keeps the sandpaper clean so it can cut faster. It also means much less airborne dust and cleanup later. If your vacuum hose doesn’t fit onto your sander, just pick up an adapter at a home center or online ($5 to $10).

Gloves Absorb Vibration

If handling a sander leaves you with tingles or aches, try a glove. Any heavy glove will help, but special anti-vibration gloves are best ($20 or less at home centers and online).


  • Always wear eye protection and a sanding mask.

  • Make sure that the tool is switched off or disconnected from the power supply before you attach the sandpaper.

  • The item you’re sanding should be properly secured before you begin.

  • Ensure you have a firm grip on the handle of the sander before turning it on.

  • The sander should be kept flat and should be constantly moving as you work.

  • Any ventilation slots of the sander should be kept clear of dust and debris.

  • Don’t press down when sanding.

  • When you’ve finished, life the sander off the wood, turn it off, and wait for it to stop spinning before storing it away.

  • Clean your sander after use.

  • Always unplug your sander when it’s not in use, and store it somewhere dry and frost-free.

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